Sampoerna Launches International Standard
Berkahnya Komputer-Putera
Sampoerna Foundation in collaboration with ExxonMobil launched a boarding
school level of upper secondary school (high school) and the first
international standard in Indonesia. The school is dedicated to students and
student achievement from pre-prosperous families across Indonesia.
Soemawinata, Managing Director Putera Sampoerna Foundation said there were as
many as 200 students and students who have passed through stringent selection
process and managed to set aside more than 1,000 registrants from all over
Indonesia to get a full scholarship with a total value amounting to 3.15
million U.S. dollars from the ExxonMobil Foundation.
The male
and female students selected are those that have been set aside more than 1,000
applicants from various regions in Indonesia. The selection process is divided
into five stages of strict selection, the selection of documents, academic
tests, psychological tests, interviews, focus group discussions (FGD), as well
as home visits to prospective students (home visit).
Academy Bogor Campus consists of students from throughout the region in
Indonesia, including Sumatra, Kalimantan, Nusa Tenggara (NTT), to West Papua.
In addition, a number of students or students there are also derived from the
operation of ExxonMobil, among Blora, Cepu and Bojonegoro, East Java.
Nenny explained, Sampoerna Academy is an international education curriculum
adapted from Cambridge University with a national curriculum or the Education
Unit Level Curriculum (SBC).
Regent Bogor, Rahmat Yasin said it strongly supports the opening of school
Sampoerna Academy Campus in Bogor Bogor regency, West Java. He hopes one day
this school can print more students and student achievement and an example for
other schools so that the quality of education in Indonesia continues to
information, Putera Sampoerna Foundation in 2009 has opened Sampoerna Academy
in Malang, and Palembang, in which male and female students in Malang majority
coming from the East Java region, while the students are girls at Palembang
comes from Sumatra and Kalimantan. The total students of all Academy Sampoerna
has currently reached 993 students with 525 students and new students 2011/2012
force. This year, Putera Sampoerna Foundation Sampoerna Academy plans to inaugurate
in Bali
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ReplyBener-Bener B. Inggris Dan Saya Tidak Mengerti :D
Replythanks imlunya gan :D
ReplyP@ thanks gan jangan bosen-bosen berkunjung
ReplyR@ wah kalau itu sich bisa di translete gan hehe
A@ okey gan sama''
wah keren kalo bisa bahasa inggris..
Replyternyata ada contoh artikel pendidikan bahasa inggrisnya di sini, hehe terimakasih yah gan sudah berbagi artikelnya, sangat bermanfaat sekali buat saya yang sedang mencari artikel seperti ini,.
ReplyW@ thanks gan kunjunganya
ReplyR@ sipz mantab gan
wah jadi semangat blajar bahasa inggris nih. thanks infonya gan
Reply@yasin ghorust
Replyiya jelas itu gan,, ,jangan lupa mapir lagi ya